Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tis the season

So I can't believe I'm saying it- but are the holidays over yet? Normally I'm all about Christmas- known to break out the Christmas music at any point of the year, get all into the holiday spirit, etc. But this year- between the current personal events and getting to experience the lead-up to the holiday season at a cash register in Wal-Mart- I actually find myself just waiting for it to all be over.

Today especially sucked, and again it was the aforementioned combo. Rewinding a little further- last night was lots of fun. Visited Nanners and Kay and enjoyed just hanging out, watching some TV and concocting some tasty drinks. Crashed there for the night and then this morning made the first mistake of the day- I woke up. The thought I woke up to was that its been a week (almost to the minute at that point) since I've found myself involuntarily single, and that affected me more than what I thought it would've. So needless to say- I started the day in a miserable mood, and work today did absolutely nothing to improve it. Store was packed all day, and it was 8.5 hours of dealing with grouchy holiday shoppers and uber-cheerful holiday shoppers (and in today's mood- I'm not sure which was worse).

So it's not that I'm pulling a Scrooge kind of "Bah Humbug" sort of thing this year, it's more that I've just become weary of a holiday season where I'm not feeling all that cheerful. Sorry Christmas, how about a re-do next year?

"Hope it snows this week,

A snow flake on your cheek
Would make this Christmas so beautiful
But that would just bring the pain
Cause things can’t stay the same
These Holidays won’t be wonderful

I look under the tree
But there’s nothing to see
Cause it’s a broken heart that you’re giving me"

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