Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I guess it balances out to meh

Sooooo my day was both a success and a failure. Referring to the previous post- steps 1-5 resulted in success, but due to how long it took, also resulted in a fail on steps 6-8. We got a decent jump on the day and the trip to Maryland, and by a little after 11 am had posted on Facebook that the laptop lives. Silly me did not think about the fact that this would jinx the whole process. It did indeed live, but only in the sense that Windows started for the first time in two weeks. But the process of restoring registry files in order to do that left most of the applications on my computer in some state of jumbled- so we figured the best course would be go pick up an external hard drive, save whatever I wanted, reformat and start anew. After two years of heavy usage- I had managed to fill up most of the 160 GB hard drive with music, videos, and a crapload of random applications... so this sounded doubly functional.

So it was off to Best Buy to pick up an early Christmas present (an external HD was on my list anyway)- which ended up being a 1.5 terrabyte drive. Needless to say, I still have not gotten over the fact that in this little 7.82" x 4.75" x 1.22" box that weighs barely over 2 pounds- there is 1.5 freakin TB packed inside!! Anyway- it was back to my Uncles where the copying process began. This is where things started going downhill. Til it was all said and done- there was 100 GB of stuff I needed saved, so of course that took some time to transfer over. Then once that was done, reformatting the laptops HD took some time. And once that was done- it was just the simple matter of reinstalling Windows... which of course fought us on a few points. So as I said, when it was all said and done- the laptop is now pretty much fully back and just like new- empty and a fresh install of Windows. And I got copies of two nifty discs with tons of recovery tools on them. But at the same time it was already way too late to make the 2 hour drive home, and then the 1.5 hour drive to Nanner's and make it there with any kind of decent hang out time. So I'm happy to have my laptop back- and quite bummed I missed hanging out 2nite. I did, however, really enjoy geeking out with my Uncle for most of the day and sharing music and Youtube videos (coming in a bit) and stuff.

So now plans for tomorrow are, doing some shopping with my mom during the day, and then in the evening trying for some redemption in the visiting of Nanners. *crosses fingers* And now, neat stuff from the day....

Zagg- Clear or designer skins for all kinds of devices, made from a material that was originally made to protect military helicopter rotor blades

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