Friday, December 25, 2009

I guess I'll say it...

Merry Christmas everyone!! I'll be honest- that phrase has occasionally grated on my nerves the past week and I have to fight back the urge to ask what's merry about it. But then I remember how stupid I'm being and plaster on the smile and wish them a Merry Christmas right back.

This Christmas morning was entertaining cuz I knew it was driving my mom kind of crazy. Why? Well she's all about having stuff to open on Christmas morning... but I had already gotten two of the main gifts from my parents (the external hard drive and a new Columbia winter coat) before today because I needed to pick them out- so she was only left with some smaller items to give me. Hehe.

Killing off some time, but it's about time to head up to my aunt and uncles for a bigger family gathering. Always fun times hanging with the family and beatin' all the kids in pool. Hehe- hope everyone's day is Christmas-tacular!!

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