Wednesday, January 13, 2010

My feeble attempt at poetry...

Hard to believe a month has already rolled by
Since my north star disappeared from the night sky

“How’re you doing?” they ask- and I still have to lie

Wishing I knew what happened, that made you say goodbye

When the pain creeps in still- I’m quick to dismiss,

Despite the days gone by- I still can’t accept this.

Your smile, your eyes- there’s so many things that I miss

Holding your hand, pulling you close… receiving a kiss

We still talk and hang out, but it’s not quite the same.

And yet my heart leaps, every time you say my name.

Still hoping a shared point is where our paths aim,

Because even if I’d try- I can’t extinguish this flame.

Despite the fact that these days, the tears are few

Each new day is a day I have to drag myself through

But throughout all the pain, one thing remains true

That the simple fact is- I love you

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