Saturday, January 23, 2010

Conan's farewell

In case you missed it- or if your like me and just think think it was such an amazing and classy piece, here is Conan O'Brian's farewell speech...

Hopefully not goodbye- just so long for now

Hours later, and I'm still so impressed with Conan O'Brian's final show as host of The Tonight Show! It was hilarious, heartfelt, and with his farewell speech- just so freakin classy! I've already read one article online that wondered how much he was paid for his thanks to NBC, but I think that person has it all wrong. I truly believe his words tonight were truthful and from the heart. Sure he's taken plenty of shots at the network over the past week or so- and rightly so. But his job is that of an entertainer, and the situation simply provided him with and endless amount of entertainment possibilities. Yes- it's very sad that things ended the way they did, but what's done is done and I look forward to what the future holds in store. As for late night TV (regarding the old/new rivalry), I've always been partial to Letterman- and this simply solidifies it. It's nothing against Jay Leno- I'm not so sure he's really the bad guy he's been made out to be in all this. It's more against the network on a whole and how they handled the whole thing. And as far as the Late Late show- I was always a Conan fan, but also really enjoy Craig Ferguson's show. Well ever since Conan took the Late Show, that has cleared up that quandary. So as I said- for me if I flip on the late shows, it's Letterman/Ferguson from here on out. At least until Conan's return to TV that is...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wow! Just... wow

Finally got around to going to see Avatar this afternoon. I was among the skeptics when it came out... yea it looks pretty but is it going to be a worthwhile movie? Well then I read a couple magazine articles about the technology behind the movie- and so the geek in me was more intrigued. Well then it came out and everyone that I knew or remotely knew that went to see it seemed to come back raving- so I figured, let's do this. Of course if I was going to see it- I wanted to see it in all its glory, so it was off to a theater in Reading that was showing it on IMAX. And so after all the wondering... I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT!!!!

Wow- what an experience! Of course the strong selling point of this movie is the visuals, and they definitely did not disappoint! The 3-D aspect was really cool- it added another dimension to the movie without the constant cheesy stream of things flying at the screen. The CG world of Pandora is beautiful beyond description- I especially loved the nighttime bioluminescence flora. Also on the topic of CG, the job done on the Na'Vi was top notch! From action shots to emotional closeups, I thought the graphics were extremely realistic- to the point that I quickly stopped thinking about and critiquing the CG. And sitting behind all these was a solid soundtrack that supported the movie well and helped convey the emotion of the scene. On top of it all then, seeing it on the grand scale of IMAX- while I can't compare seeing it on a regular screen, I can't imagine that there is any comparison. This is a grand movie that flourishes on the grand scale of an IMAX screen.

I also want to say my piece on the storyline. I've heard so many different things that James Cameron has supposedly ripped off in this movie, from old sci-fi stories to comic books. While I have no prior knowledge of those to comment on, I will say my piece on the complaints that the story is simply Pocahontas or Dances With Wolves re-wrapped. For starters- last time I checked... Hollywood is all about redoing, and re-redoing stories. There are constantly adaptions and remakes coming to theater screens- so why is it that suddenly Avatar is guilty of some sort of unoriginality crime. And then on top of that- I seem to think that Pocahontas and Dances With Wolves were two rather good stories... so why not retell them? Suffice it to say that I thought the storyline was very good as well. Sure, it may be a story we've heard before- but it's told in its own new way, and it's a story with some good lessons- so perhaps its worth hearing again.

So yes-
to anyone that hasn't seen it yet, I would absolutely recommend going and seeing it! And on that I would highly recommend seeing it on an IMAX screen- I just can't imagine a regular screen being able to give the movie the same justice.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Heavy theme today

This kid rocks!

And I just find this entertaining

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

mash it up!

2009 Pop in review

Paramore and Ginuwine

I just love how well Sexy Bitch works over top of the piano from Cher's Walk In Memphis

A collaboration we would've never seen in real life

Some other random mixes...

My feeble attempt at poetry...

Hard to believe a month has already rolled by
Since my north star disappeared from the night sky

“How’re you doing?” they ask- and I still have to lie

Wishing I knew what happened, that made you say goodbye

When the pain creeps in still- I’m quick to dismiss,

Despite the days gone by- I still can’t accept this.

Your smile, your eyes- there’s so many things that I miss

Holding your hand, pulling you close… receiving a kiss

We still talk and hang out, but it’s not quite the same.

And yet my heart leaps, every time you say my name.

Still hoping a shared point is where our paths aim,

Because even if I’d try- I can’t extinguish this flame.

Despite the fact that these days, the tears are few

Each new day is a day I have to drag myself through

But throughout all the pain, one thing remains true

That the simple fact is- I love you

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Been a little while...

So it has been a little while since I've posted- I'll chalk that up to a combination of being busy over the holidays and not really having much to say. Over the last few weeks I've done lots of visiting and have gotten to see some college friends that I haven't seen in quite awhile. There's been some trips to Nate's which usually include playing some Halo (aka- me getting my ass kicked online), a trip to Nanner's to just chill and make the chinchillas make noise, and a trip with Kyle to a party Dee was having. Kristina also made it after work, and it was great seeing both of them again. There was also a late night convo with Dee after she asked the question I've been hearing alot- how are you doing? It was this time, however, that I came to the realization that I don't know how to answer that question, because honestly I don't know. Apparently I've gotten so good at masking how I'm feeling that I'm not even quite sure how I'm feeling anymore. The best I can say is that after 3 weeks, I'm still just feeling numb to the whole thing. I try to keep myself as occupied as possible, but inevitably there is downtime where its just me and my thoughts, and that's when those pesky feelings start poking through. They result in a whole range of different emotions until I manage to push it all back down again.

The other predominant feeling that seems to be there almost all the time is loneliness. I would imagine this is normal- but I still don't like it. It'll go away while I'm hangin out with people, but usually as soon as I get back in the car to drive home, there it is- like its been sitting in the passenger seat waiting for me.

But anyway- enough of that... the holidays were fun. Lots of good times with family, shooting pool and playing Wii at my aunt and uncle's. Fun times New Years Eve as well- headed down to party it up with Frank, Emily, Geoff, Mark and Sarah. Fun times, fun people, and a hot tub... so you know all that adds up to a good night. And speaking of a good night, I'm looking forward to crawling into bed and drifting off- so it is time to say... good night