Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Joker Blogs

A few days ago a friend of mine was telling me about a series of videos on YouTube. These videos are The Joker Blogs...

Essentially, these are elaborate examples of fan fiction... in this case with the premise of, or at least starts with the premise of, video tapped therapy sessions of the Joker in Arkham Asylum. What follows is a 19 episode series (plus some other "mini-sodes" if you will) that, in my opinion, is very entertaining and definitely worth a look.

Should you choose to dive in- I will say to watch the first 3 or 4 episodes before deciding one way or the other. The reason I say this is because obviously the series is based around the Joker- and of course we all want the Heath Ledger Joker. You can tell that is where this actor is drawing his influences from- and I will admit that in the first episode he doesn't quite hit the mark. But by episode 3 he's got his character pretty well fleshed out. Granted- it's not Heath Ledger. As far as I'm concerned- nobody will ever be able to duplicate that performance. However, by episode 3, I think that Scott McClure (the actor in question) does a good job of nailing many of the mannerisms so that, despite differing for the most part in the voice category, the result is a worthy homage to Ledger's creation.

The acting is alright (varies from character to character), the production is pretty decent considering I'm sure they were working mostly on an out-of-pocket budget, and the storyline is engaging enough that it keep me clicking through to the next episode.

So without further ado- if you are intrigued/curious/bored, I send you along to

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