Tuesday, March 30, 2010

still alive

Wow- it's been a little while. This is usually what happens when I try to be a blogger- I'm pretty good about it for awhile and then sort of forget all about it for awhile. Lol- at least I know I shouldn't try to make a living off this.

So let's see- what's happened in the last few weeks? Well mostly just more of the same- school and work. But there's been some fun stuff as well. Went to a Flyers game last week! The seats were awesome (2nd row on the blue line), the game was good (very exciting), but the ending sucked (they lost in OT). Then the next night I hit up Harrisburg with a few friends. Went to Privado, which was a pretty nice place- a bit pricey tho. Spent most of the time in the little joint downstairs that goes by the name Moet. There was a trance dj spinning down there- so it was really awesome to be out somewhere without being bombarded with the usual rap type dance stuff. And speaking of trance djs- my friend Joe introduced to one while we were there. He had seen DJ Kaelum do a couple sets at Moet before and had recently turned me onto some of his mixes. Well he was there just hanging out- so I got to chat with him for quite awhile. He's a really awesome dude (trance dj who plays guitar and is into stuff like Dream Theater- and on yea, has a degree in physics!? lol) and I'm hoping he does a set somewhere sometime soon! Which he may- but it will be kinda sad if he does. I say this because it sounds like the owner of Privado is planning on redoing the downstairs and one of the changes will be to just pipe the music from the dj upstairs to the lower room. It really sucks cuz this is the first place I've heard of/been to that's in the general area that gets djs that play just trance. But anyway- if this is indeed the case, Kaelum is hoping to have one last hurrah before that all goes down.

That pretty much sums up the last few weeks. I guess the lack of posts could just be the lack of stuff to talk about- hehe. Anyway, I suppose it's off to bed. Class tomorrow, then prolly continuing my new ritual of swinging by the Blue Marsh Canteen where I recently found out an old high school friends tends bar a few nights a week.

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