Saturday, February 6, 2010

Late one snowy night

So kinda bummed to be sitting here at home right now. Plans were that I was hoping to be able to make it down to Nate's house after work and get snowed in there. Unfortunately the snow didn't hold off long enough and the roads were crap by the time I got out. So it was back home instead of the drive down there.

But I digress. If you're reading this- chances are you followed the link from my facebook page and want to see the video, not hear me whine about being snowed in at home. And I guess if not for being at home 2nite, this post would not be coming into existence.

But yes... the video. I would in no way ever claim to be a political person. In some ways, I do count this as a flaw- because I do think it important to have an awareness of the things going on around us, especially in our governing body. But at the same time, I just quickly grow tired of all the politics in government that I tend to shut it out more than I should. I also dislike news outlets that seem to be trumpets for certain political parties. Again, I don't follow these things very closely- so I'm not about to start pointing fingers and citing examples, I just think that the news should be delivered as such. Here's a story- here's what happened, fact, fact, fact. Yes, political opinion shows have their place, and I'm even ok with that place being on a news network. I just dislike when the line is seemingly blurred and news shows have twinges of opinion show to them.

Anyway, all this rambling is to say this... I enjoy, from time to time, watching a variety of "news" shows. Two of which are The Daily Show and The O'Reilly Factor. I put "news" in quotes because, yes- I realize the former is a comedy show and the latter more of an opinion show. However, both shows are based on current news and I think both shows do a good job presenting their ideas in the arenas they are in. That is not to say I always agree with things being presented on either show at any given time- it's saying I, majority of the time, find entertainment as well as the occasional thought provoking ideas from each show. For this reason- I was excited to stumble across this complete clip of The Daily Show's John Stewart as a guest on The O'Reilly Factor. As I just mentioned, I found the piece highly entertaining, as well as thought provoking at times... and really just wish it would've kept going because I could just listen to these two go back and forth all day long. So without further ado, the link

John Stewart v Bill O'Reilly

Currently Listening To:
To Plant A Seed
by We Came As Romans

1 comment:

  1. A classic video with Jon Stewart is his interchange with Crossfire... which was cancelled shortly after.

    Jon Stewart v Crossfire
